Tuesday, September 6

The biopsy - Tue 9/6 12pm

Daddy/Stefan is resting. I can't say he's resting comfortably because he's very uncomfortable.

As hard-headed as he is, seems that's his overall bone strength. During the bone marrow biopsy this morning, they had to dig into his hip bones four times to get a satisfactory sample. His bones are hard - which I'm taking to mean they're strong - and that made it difficult for the doctor to get a sample of necessary size and depth.

His fever - which hovered around 102 for the last few days - finally broke early this morning. After the 50 cycle hemo-dialysis completed, he was able to rest for a few hours. And his temp has stayed below 99 so far, which is a positive. As his fever breaks, they will be able to administer more meds to help bring his pneumonia under control.

Right now, we are working on having him transferred from Resurrection to Northwestern.
That will probably take a while, since we have to set him up to be admitted into the care of an oncologist there. Since he can't do anything but sit and wait for the biopsy results, he will stay at Resurrection until he is transferred.

The biopsy results are not coming as soon as we thought they would. We should have results in 2 to 3 days. I don't know if we heard incorrectly or remembered something that wasn't said, but both Mama/Daniella and I thought we heard them say yesterday that we'd have the biopsy results in 2-3 hours. We're still trying to figure out if there is a way we can have the results sooner.

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Mama/Daniella is still in disbelief. I'm glad I was able to be with her last night. She barely slept, because she woke up every hour to call his nurse and see how he was doing. She finally slept a little more than an hour, but then we woke up at 5:30am to get going. She went back to the hospital, and I came home to get the girls off to school. Steve met her at the hospital this morning, and is sitting with her for the day. Koy and I will go see him again this evening.

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Just found out, he's hooked up to the hemo-dialysis machine now. They're running a 75-cycle this time, which should take a little over 4 hours. I didn't get a number on how high his white blood count was, but whatever it is, it's still too high. Hopefully, this will knock it down a few more thousand. Steve is taking Mama out of the hospital for lunch, so she can stretch her legs, eat, and get out for a bit.

That's the news for now. More as it comes in.


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