Sat Jan 28 - Stefan is now neutropenic (photo)
The nurse came in this morning and told us that Stefan's white blood count dropped to .6, so he is neutropenic now. That means all incoming people have to wear gloves, gowns, and masks. Stefan has to wear a mask when he goes on walking rounds. And of course, he's on a neutropenic diet - no fresh veggies and limited fresh fruits (no berries and such). He is still in great spirits and has plenty of energy. He's still "disconnected" from Miss Ivy Pole. His appetite is still good and he's eating what he likes. I've brought him kiszka, kopytka, ponczki, kielbasa, barszczyk, rosol, his favorite rye bread, and other Polish yummies. I snapped this picture of him this morning, sitting on the "couch." Behind him is the view to the east, out towards the Lake.

It's been a busy few days... I went home on Wednesday evening, had dinner with the Koivuns, and then spent the night there with my wnuczki. Went to work on Thursday, ran a few errands, and scheduled a dentist appointment for Friday (he was unavailable on Thursday). I was just getting ready to leave the house on Thursday afternoon when Stefan called me to say that he was being moved, from 1529 to 1519. (1519 is a corner room, with a southeast view.)
From the room, we can see Navy Pier and the big Ferris Wheel. We can see the river. And we can see Lakeshore Drive. (And a bunch of buildings, but I don't know any of them... Sears Tower is southwest of us, and John Hancock is northwest of us, so we don't see those.) Woke up with the sunrise on Friday morning. Nice way to start the day, watching the sun rise over the Lake.

Gray day today, Saturday morning, so we couldn't see the sunrise. After breakfast, Suzia called... Koy needed some computer part from the house. They said they were going to go to the house, and asked if Stefan or I needed anything. They offered to pick me up from the El so I could get some things done around the house. Suzia picked me up around 12:30pm. We all came "home" and got busy doing "stuff." Koy took down our big table (still up from Wigilia). Julia helped me make rosol for lunch. Ela and Stevie helped clean up. While we waited for the rosol to simmer, we had some fun, singing carols and undecorating the tree.

Then Suzia took down my January Tree, because it's almost the end of the month. That is what it's called, right? The January Tree? Don't you have one at your house? Oh, see, I guess most people have a tree up in December, but not me. This year, I had a January Tree. They must not be very popular around here, but I read about them on the internet and thought it would be fun to have one. I didn't like it too much. Next year, I think I'll just stick with having a December Christmas Tree, like everyone else.
Well, the tree is up in the attic now, the dishes from lunch are done. Suzia and the kids are going to drive me back to the El now, so I can make it to have dinner with Stefan. Thanks for checking in to see how he's doing!
Thanks for all your prayers. It is with your help that he has beaten the odds on this journey, from September on. The doctors are surprised at how mild his reactions have been this week, and how few of the side effects of chemo he's experienced. With the very powerful doses of chemo he got this stay, he still has as much hair as he had on January 1st (which is quite a lot!). He hasn't had any nausea, oral blisters, or high fevers - all side effects that are "supposed to" affect everyone. The team of doctors keeps saying that he'll get them, but so far, he hasn't. Keep him in your thoughts and send good vibes his way. Maybe, just maybe, he won't get those nasty side effects at all. He has a way of beating the odds in that way - it would be great not to have oral blisters or complete hair loss to boot.
Thank you and have a great weekend!
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