9/17 - Same old, same old... (photo)

Saturday, 9/17.
More of the same. Stefan got up and walked the halls again today. Got up and took a shower. Has an appetite, for junk food, which would explain his 1.2 pound gain in the last day. (Good news, I guess - at least he's eating something!)
Daniella got out today and went to visit the grandkids. She saw Maddie and Stefciu (and Steven and Karen) for a while, then stopped by for pizza with Ela, Julia and Stefciu (and me - Koy was out). Seeing everyone outside of the hospital was good for her. She took pictures so she could share with Stefan.
Speaking of sharing pictures, I thought I'd post this one that Daniella took earlier today.
Yeah, that's him. And he's smiling in the picture.
See what I mean, about him looking "blah"? His oomph is gone. Let's hope it comes back soon.
That's all for today. Like I said, it's mostly "same old, same old."
For those of you who didn't read this morning's post... His oomph is back. In fact, he told me it never left - it was just hiding a bit below the surface. Yes, he looked blah - because he's tired and uncomfortable, and wants to go home, he says. Okay, I'll buy that.
Stefan says he's ready to fight whatever comes his way. He may not look like it here, but that sure sounds like something he'd say!
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