Thursday, September 8

Sending gifts/cards to Stefan? Check this first...

Some folks have asked me if they can send flowers or whatnot to Stefan, to show their support. Thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness, but unfortunately, Stefan cannot have any such things in his room. The floor he is on is a neutropenic floor - no plants, flowers, or fresh fruits allowed, as they wreak havoc with the patients' already weak immune systems. So as much as you would love to send a bouquet of flowers, a plant or fruit basket, or balloons at this time, he cannot accept such gifts (I didn't get the connection, but the sign at the entrance to 15East specified "No balloons on this floor," so I'm just passing this along FYI) . I honestly don't what to send, other than a card with warm thoughts and well wishes.

If you would like to send cards and mail to Stefan, here is the address:
Stefan Maca
1505East, Feinburg Pavillion
c/o Northwestern Memorial Hospital
251 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2908

First chemo - follow-up

10:30pm, 9/8

Daniella called just now. Stefan finished the 15minute chemo drip; so far, no reactions or side effects, but of course, those negative side effects aren't immediate. They're headed down for a CAT scan right now - for his chest and lungs, I'm assuming to follow-up on the pneumonia. When he gets back from that, they will start the next dripline of chemo.

Daniella said his oncologist did not feel the need to redo the biopsy right now. She will look over results and reactions to chemo, and they may do another bone marrow biopsy after the first round of chemo. So there is good news in that. But we're still playing the waiting game, as far as getting results of the first biopsy. The biopsy results from Resurrection are apparently being reread by the team of oncologist at NMH, so we're waiting on what their opinions are - since they're the ones that are treating Stefan.

The only thing they've told Daniella so far is that yes, it is confirmed that he has AML, but they did not tell her what stage he has. So for those of you asking - I don't know yet. As soon as I hear, I'll post, because I know there's a wealth of information out there on AML, but it's stage specific - so I want to read up on this as much as I can too.

Daniella said she'd call me in the morning. Till I hear from her then, that's all the updates I've got to pass along.

Chemotherapy will start tonight

9:15pm, Thu 9/7

Stefan will be starting chemotherapy tonight, 9:30pm. I don't know the names of the drugs he'll be getting, as I had to leave the hospital before his oncologist came to speak with him. I do know he'll be getting two drugs intravenously - one 15minute drip, the other quite a bit longer - all day, in fact - it's a 24 hour IV, for seven days.

The start of chemo will leave him feeling much weaker and more tired than he is right now. I was able to spend all afternoon with him, and he was up and about today. He ate his meals - okay, not ALL of the meal, but after all - it IS hospital food! :o) ! He sat up several times during the day to talk, stretch a bit. He got up to go to the bathroom as well. He did not have the chills or the hot sweats today, as he's had almost every day for the last two-three weeks. His temperature has stablized too, and hasn't spiked - but I don't know what chemo will do to that. Throughout the day, the nurse was lowering the dosage drip of his saline IV, because he's not as dehydrated as was on Monday. His breathing was also much better, but I did not get to ask the doctor if his pneumonia has passed or not. He watched some TV, he sat and talked some, and he even dozed off a few times. Overall, today he looked the best he's looked in over two weeks. Other than not being very talkative - which is very hard for me to get used to - he's like his old self, on a lazy weekend. He just laid around doing nothing, watching TV or sleeping. Except he did all that in a hospital bed, and not on the couch at home. But it was good to see the color back in his cheeks, and good to see him up and about.

Daniella was doing better today, or at least she didn't break down crying. I brought her to the hospital after she dropped her van off at home. We had lunch. She is very aware that she has to eat and keep up her energy and strength, which I'm glad for. Daniella even got to lay down and take a nap (over an hour long) with my little Stefciu. Which I know did wonders for her - both because she got to rest, knowing someone was there if Stefan needed something; and because both Daniella and Stefan take comfort in being with their grandkids.

Not knowing is hard to deal with. It also makes it hard for those who want to help. Folks are contacting me about visiting Stefan, and the best I can tell you right now is to be patient. He doesn't know how he's going to react to the chemo, so he can't say whether he'll be up to having visitors anytime soon. The nurses said the first three days are pretty bad, that the chemo could just knock you upside the head, or it may not affect you so much at first. I don't know that he'll feel up for having visitors Friday or Saturday. I will know more once he's had the 24hour chemo drip finish - at least, that's what Daniella told me. If you had your hearts set on visiting him over the weekend, please wait to hear how he's feeling by Sunday before planning on going all the way downtown [it's not far... but it is, if you get down there and don't get to see him]. With chemo starting, Stefan also said he is not up for phone calls right now, since he'd feel obligated to speak a while with each caller and talking makes him winded right now. And since Daniella should not have to be turning family and friends away when they call, they are asking our cooperation in not calling them directly at this time. As always, if you have any questions, please call or email me, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Just know that your thoughts and prayers are being passed on to Stefan and Daniella. I print out your emails, blog posts and comments and pass them on to Stefan and Daniella to read, to know they've got this great support system. They thank you, and hope you know that if Daniella could call you each individually with every update, she would do it.

So that's the news at 9pm. If and when Daniella calls me to let me know how chemo is going, I will update then. --SMK

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9/8, 12pm update

I'm at Daniella's house now, and she's gotten her things. We're leaving in 5 minutes.

She did tell me that the results from the first biopsy Tuesday did confirm that it is Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Stefan will be starting chemotherapy today.

The staff has advised Daniella to limit Stefan's visitors, including his children. Daniella can and will be there with him at all times. But as he undergoes chemo, the number, frequency and duration of visits will be very limited. Daniella is asking for those who wish to visit Stefan to call first. I am finding out who you are supposed to call - her, him, the hospital, me, or someone else. I will let you know. It will probably be a good idea to know who is going to see him and when, so if he can't accept anymore visitors at that time or that day, you won't have made a trip downtown and not gotten to see Stefan. I will find out what procedures will be set up for visitors and let you know. Until, if everyone can sit tight, that would be greatly appreciated.

That's all for now. More later this afternoon. --SMK

A rough first night at NMH

Thu 9/8.
I spoke with Daniella at 8:30am. She spent the night at NMH with Stefan, in his room. She said they both had a pretty crappy night. The staff was poking him all night long, and of course, everytime someone came in to do something, Daniella was up too. The longest period of "sleep" they got was from 6 to 6:35 this morning.

Stefan received 2 units of blood overnight. The NMH staff ran the full work-up for their own records - everything from blood work to a chest xray. They are planning on doing another bone marrow biopsy this afternoon. I do not know if NMH received the results of the biopsy they did at Resurrection, or why they need to do another biopsy. I'm telling you what I know. Daniella also told me that they plan on starting chemotherapy this afternoon. I don't know if that's based solely on the results of the first biopsy, or if they will amend the treatment after the results from the second biopsy come in.

Daniella has said that she does not want to leave her van downtown, as it costs over $30 a day. She also needs to go home and get some things, so when she goes home later this morning, I will pick her up at home and take her to the hospital. She said she plans on staying with him as often as she can, and does not need to sleep at home for the next few days. Steve and I, and other family members, will be able to take her home for needed things and drive her back to the hospital. I don't see that being a problem, since I'm going there anyway - why should she pay $300/week for her van to sit in the parking lot, just so she could use it for 2 hours every 3 or 4 days???

So, that is where we stand right now. A rough night for Stefan, and a rough day ahead of him. The first of many, too, I'm sure. I will go get Daniella and then visit Stefan for a while. I need to be back to get the girls from school, so I will post another update between 3 and 4pm today.

I will also get the hospital information for Stefan - room number and address - so you can send him mail if you'd like. I will find out if he is allowed to take calls in his room, and whether he wants to do so at this point in time.

Thank you all for your support, through email, phone calls, and visits. There aren't words enough to describe how much it means to us all. Thank you. -SMK