Bone Biopsy Nov 6, 2007
Stefan's appointment went pretty well,..well almost.... After the blood work, Doctor Olga started on his bone biopsy procedure. She tried the right side of his hip bone and could not find a spot to "drill into", so she tried again on the left side. This means that he was given and injection to numb the right side of his hip and now a "shot" to numb his left side. Finally she was able to get a spot to go into his left hipbone. The results "looked" okay for now she said. I will get a call on Wed or Thurs with the results from the lab.
Stefans' blood work was good, his WBC (white blood count) last time was 3.8 now it was 4.4,.... his RBC (red blood cells) were at? but they are now at 3.87, still low for now, need to be at least at 4.20,....... his HGB (hemoglobin) was 13.2 now it is 13.5,....... his PLT (platelets) were at 99 now they went up to 102. Still a ways to go, to get to the low level of 140-390 but he is climbing up to that spot.
Stefan went back to work after this episode with the doctor visit, by evening he was pretty sore to sit or stand, but he still played with the grandkids, Maddie, Stevie & Lily, who were over for the evening on Tuesday. They just wanted to see his band-aids on his back, which were right below his belt line.
Little Stevie has taken to sleeping with Dziadzia now and he was in bed right next to dziadzia when they went to sleep around 8:30pm.