Sunday, 9/18
Stefan is still losing weight. Guess it was just a momentary gain there before the weekend. He's down to under 163 lbs. If Stefan keeps losing weight, soon he'll weigh less than Steve does!
Not much has changed. He was running a slight fever today, spiked to 101.2F. The nurses said that if his fever goes up over 100.4F, they will do a blood draw to run a check for bacterial infection. I should hear the results of that tomorrow.
He had a few visitors today, and he spent some time talking with them. Bruno and Diane stopped in for a while. And then 3 of Stefan's motorcycle-riding buddies came for an hour. So Stefan was a little tired earlier this evening.
Daniella said that today around 3pm, the left side of Stefan's face had started to swell. She's keeping an eye on it tonight, and Dr. Olga will be informed of that development tomorrow.
Stefan will be having another biopsy done later this week. I'm not sure if it's 100%, but we're expecting it to take place on Friday. I'll post when I know more.
Okay, that's all for tonight. Good night and sleep tight!