What Stefan's schedule is like....photo

On Monday when Stefan arrived in the hospital at 7 a.m. he first had his Piccline replaced with a double lumen. Then by 10:30 a.m. he was in his room 1529 East Feinberg Pavilionn. Then he was told about the procedure that he would receive that day. First was the lung preparation in form of the inhalation tube medication was breathed in for an hour by Stefan. It had a terrible taste to it I was told. This was done to prepare the lungs from getting any more bacteria then is already in his system. Then for another hour no one was allowed in or out of his room. His first round of Chemo started at 5.p.m. The next one will be at 11 p.m. They will alternate with am and pm 5 & 11. This chemo seems to be making Stefan a bit woooozy. When he got up to go to the bathroom he said his head was spinning a little bit. He had to hold on to the door and then straight to the bed. By the time this wore off it was time for the next round at 11p.m..
Besides all this chemo treatments there is also the usual4 times a day vital signs and the blood draws between the chemos.
The medications that he is getting are for anti-nausea, anti-seizure, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral. He also is getting Nexium "The little purple pill" for stomach upsets from all these medications. Pills to make him "go" easier because all this medications will constipate you also. He keeps asking for a pill to make his wife younger, I said all he needs is a better pair of glasses and he will see how "young" I really am.
His appetite is still good at this time, I am feeding him his favorite things that are available in this hospital cafeteria. (Not much choice) but still a choice.
This chemo will go on for 16 rounds of the first kind. Then a days rest then the next round for 2 days every 8 hours. I think that one was callen oxytoxin, ha what a name it even sounds toxic. Then 48 hours rest and the transplant will start then. When I get more information I will post it for you to read.