Little Stevie (who is now a 'big boy') and I went to visit Stefan on Friday. We stayed for a little over two hours, from 11:30a till 1:50pm. Stefan was in great spirits. For starters, he was getting his final (of sixteen doses) chemo of the week. Second, he had visitors. Third, it was one of his wnuczki!
Stefan loves visiting with his grandkids, and this visit was a lot of fun. Stefan's lunch tray came just after we arrived, and he graciously shared his honeydew melon with Stevie.

After lunch, it was time to walk laps. Stefan took Stevie along for his walk. Here they are starting out...

And here they come, passing the nurses' station. Stevie wasn't too sure about all the nurses watching him walk with his Dziadzia. On subsequent laps past the station, he would cover his eyes and proclaim, "You can't see me...", much to the delight of all the nurses!

After the walk, it was time to go back to the room for a breather. Stevie cozied up to his Dziadzia and we shared a few laughs. Dziadzia tickled Stevie for a bit. Then Stevie entertained us with his witty quips. Among his funny remarks.. "Mama - Settle down, settle down." This is now what he says to you when you're speaking and he'd like to interrupt and take the floor. Instead of saying 'excuse me' he tells you to 'settle down.' Guess that's the hazard of parenting - kids tend to repeat what they hear!

Stevie told Dziadzia a few more stories, then explored the various contraptions attached to the hospital bed. Before we knew it, two hours had past and it was time to go. A few last cuddles with Dziadzia,

and we were on our way. After a quick pit stop (to prevent potty accidents on the drive home), we got on the Ike in time to crawl with the afternoon traffic, which wasn't helped any by the fact that it started sleeting. By the time we got home, sleet and rain had turned to snow. They weren't kidding about the 4-6" in the winter storm watch... Here's what the lilac bush in our front yard looked like by 11pm Friday night...

And in the rosy glow of sunrise, here's what our house and front yard looked like today...

Hope you enjoyed our little update. Stefan's looking and feeling great. Just a little tired, but that's to be expected because the chemo is physically draining. His transplant will either be late Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning. Until then, enjoy the pictures!