It Is What It Is
That's what Stefan says. "It is what it is." This is the story of his journey, as he fights leukemia. This is our story, as we help him, pray for him, support him, and love him. Thank you for being a part of it.
Tuesday, October 4
Pictures - Stefan's Welcome Home Dinner

He likes being at home again... finally
He first took a look in the garage, of course his Motocycle is where he left it, then he looked around the house. Same OLD house of course, but great to see it for himself. No sooner we pull up, the grandkids came over. They all got a big hug from dziadzia. Stevie even commented "Dziadzia, you got a hair cut like I did." Stefan really still has some hair and he is still doing a small comb-over with it; look at some of the pictures and see for yourself. Maddie was the most apprehensive about hugging him. She did not really recognize him, but by evening's end, she gave him a hug and a kiss goodnight. Stefan looks a little different to us, having lost over 30 pounds in a month, but he is still the same to his grandkids. They couldn't stop talking to him. "Dziadzia Look at me" and "Look at me" etc. I got into the regular routine nicely, having dinner with all the kids and grankids. I was even able to give them a quick bath/shower. Suzia & Koy took care of the problem in the basement, cleaning up the water that went over the sump pump. Oh well, that is life.
Now the nurse is here and he is getting his first treatment. The infusion was started and I got to do one of the flushings already. His dressings were changed; his blood will not be drawn till tomorrow for results. You would be surprised what they deliver to your house for the" in care service". The girlfriend, Miss Ivy Pole, came back, and we are told it is a disposable one. I went and filled the prescriptions that he will be taking at home. Got a few groceries now that we are back home, and stuff for Stefan, like milk and orange juice. Since the hospital, he has been drinking that stuff a lot more than usual lately. Hoping that some home cooking daily will bring him back to "normal" soon. He already told me that HE is driving alone to the shop for an hour and will be back.
I am trying to post pictures, please be patient with me THANKS.
He's HOME! (Tue, 10/4)
Wow - What a great feeling, to have Popsie back home where he belongs!
Yesterday was filled with lots of smiles. Stefan had non-stop smiles for his wnuczki (grandkids). It was such a relief to see him sitting in "his chair" at the dinner table. Like the saying goes, "You don't know what you got till it's gone." Except, that I did know what I had, I do know what I have, and he's back home!
We had a pizza party to welcome Stefan home. Their house was "home" again, filled with the joyful laughter of children running around in play. (We won't talk about the disaster in the basement right now, except to say that the water was cleaned up and more trouble has been averted. Let's just say, their garbage man will be busy this week.) Stefan had a lot of catching up to do with his wnuczki... Ela's front tooth grew in a whole bunch more, Julia is spelling and reading colors and numbers in kindergarten, Stevie is talking in complete (and understandable) sentences and he's even reading a book (Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Eric Carle), Maddie has a growing vocabulary, and little Stefan is just growing!
Tuesday's morning report: Stefan slept comfortably, even if he had to use the restroom several times during the night (because they're still pushing the IV fluids). He ate dinner, and he ate breakfast. His hearty appetite is bound to return soon. He said the hospital food just about killed his spirits after the first week and a half, so the return of his appetite is wholy welcomed. He had energy enough to hug and squeeze his wnuczki - he even scooped them up for a bear hug! He looked great - in street clothes, out of the hospital, and not attached to his girlfriend, Ivy. Those of you who saw him in the hospital met her - Ivy Pole. (Ha ha - Laugh here.)
The home health care nurse is due right about now at their house - she called yesterday to confirm 9:30am as her arrival time. So, Stefan and Daniella get to meet the nurse, and then she hooks up his meds to his picc line, and that should run about four hours.
Even though Daniella would prefer to chauffeur him around, Stefan needs to get out on his own again. He's already put in a request to drive down to Addison to stop in at the shop for an hour, so he can set things up to work from home. Which doesn't sound good for him, but it actually is - Stefan needs to do some brainwork at home, or he'll go stir crazy. So, they'll get the necessary programs and paperwork and such, and then Stefan can work a few hours a day from home.
Other than that, there isn't much more to report. Monday morning WBC was 3.6 - I know today's should be more. Even though technically, with 3.6 he's within the normal WBC range - which is between 3.5 and 10.5. We'd all just like that number to in the middle of the range instead of hovering right at the low end of it. But Stefan's always been good with numbers, so I don't see that as being much of a problem.
Daniella took some pictures of Stefan with the wnuczki yesterday (all except little Stefan, who was either eating, sleeping or fussing last night, so Dziadzia didn't hold him). She's going to be posting those pictures up on the blog later, along with a report of her own. I think it's about time that Stefan became a blog member so he can post on his own if he wants. I better go send him a Blogger Invite!
Thanks for all your prayers and positive thoughts!