This is very hard on me. First of all, I am glad I am not saying this in person to all of you... you know I am a cryer at the drop of a word. I am very emotional with a lot of things. I would like to THANK each and every one of you for the prayers and thoughts that are sent our way. We never imagined this could happen to us, or for that matter, to anyone that we know. To know that the connection of family & friends is SOOOOO wide and strong is very endearing for us now. We really appreciate each and every one of your messages. I will try to keep you all posted thru Suzia, as to what is going on with Stefan. Yesterday I read him some of these messages and we both broke down, even though he tried to cover it up. I know this is just as hard on him. He is MACHO. Knowing that our family & friends are there for us has really made it easier too. Thank you for being there.