Thursday, December 22

WED Harvesting-12-21-05

Wednesday morning 7:30 am harvesting continued, till the blood results came in from the blood draw this morning. Well Stefan collected 6.7 million stem cells on Tuesday , so they do not need that much more to collect. They only wanted 5 million. So the harvesting stopped. Temorary port was removed and Platelets were added, his count was low. No bleeding from the port site, also was told no heavy lifting for 24 hours. (Well there goes the idea of him carrying me up the stairs) Oh nevermind that would give him a hernia also beside the bleeding in the neck area. Some of the medications were cut out not to be taken anymore for now. Blood draw will continue 2-3 times a week. Finished at the hospital in late afternoon. Flushing of his Picc-line I will continue nightly. Hopefully no pain medication needed for a while, not that he took that much (macho man). The only medication he is continuing is of course the Posaconazole. Twice daily, as he gulps that down quickly, so as to not smell it. Remember the Vanilla smell is very powerful and not a favorite of Stefan's.

His strength is slowly returning as is his smile. Now we look forward to the Holiday season with family around us again at the table.

I will continue posting if any news comes up.