Wednesday, October 5

Wed Oct 5, 2005

Well, we did part of the infusion ourselves today. We - meaning Daniella, of course - with Stefan saying "you've got to do it this way." He always has to be the BOSS, ha ha. I let him be the boss. The nurse let us disconnect and flush out a line and then connect another line of stuff. It was finished by 1:30pm. Stefan took a quick nap with the last bag of infusion and then when all was done, he wanted to leave. He left to go to the shop for an hour or hour and 1/2. Should be back by 4:00pm. Time for me to make dinner and then remind him of the evening meds to take.
Our appointments are set for now for the first two weeks.

On Monday, Columbus Day, Suzia's kids are home from school. Stefan has an appointment to see Dr. Kern, the surgeon who did the sinus debredment. On Thurs, I finally have my check-up that was cancelled twice already. Friday another appointment for Stefan. He is feeling great at home, says food tastes so much better to him. He gained 2 lbs back from his lowest weight is the hospital.
Sleep is great, we get to sleep together in one bed. Hey watch that!! ...There are people reading this that think otherwise. No beeping machines in this house at night, but still a few visits to the bathroom. For now we are one couple happy to be together for a few days here and there.

Especially if we get to see the grandkids in between - that is what makes Stefan all better. For now take care of yourselves. Stefan was wondering who is reading this stuff and would they acknowledge themselves with a post? Or an email. Thanks again.

Doing well on Tue 10/5

Stefan is doing well.
Nurse came again this morning.
Dr. Olga called, said she wanted to see him in two weeks, on or about the 18th, to set up his time for his bone marrow donation procedure. And from there, schedule the next round of chemo.

He's off and running already... went to work yesterday. I'm sure he would have stayed the whole day, but they didn't get there till after 1pm. Yes, "they" - Daniella went with him, so she could drag him home after an hour or so.
From what I heard this morning, he was planning on going back today, after his meds. And he was going "alone." So, let him get some work done... two weeks at home fly by very quickly, and before he knows it, he'll be back in the hospital for another week of chemo. Let him get his work stuff organized... he's getting things organized at home too.

Blood draws are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Yesterday's blood draw showed an increase in his WBC, but I didn't get the numbers (Daniella had to take the call from the doctor and we had to hang up).

Appetite is up, energy is up. Attitude is good - always positive. He tells us that he doesn't need external motivation... A big part of me begs to differ... True, he may be the one motivating himself, but I believe a big part of his motivation comes from external factors. Five little ones, four bigger ones, and one really important external factor... and with those ten external factors are plenty of other external factors that over the years have come to be important to him. His five grandkids, his daughter, his son, a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law and his wife... those are ten very important external factors that fuel his internal motivation. So, as much as he wants to say it, his motivation does not come strictly from within.