Sunday & Monday Jan 21-22, 2006

(Notice Stefan is "practicing drooling to look sick")

Updated 8am thurs.
Guests arrived all together on Sunday. Bruno & Diane,Heniek & Teresa, Basia & Peter,Suzia,Koy,Ela,Julia & Stevie. Stefan received his LAST CHEMO dose at around 1:30 p.m. So far the only reactions that he sees are the weight gain. It has creeped up to 15lbs. if not more. The water weight, they have not given Stefan any water pills yet, so everything is really sticking to him. He gets so much fluids to keep the kidneys and bladder moving often. His face hurts some he says, because all of the water gain and his face is puffy.
His counts from when he was admitted to today are as follows: His white blood count has fluctuated between 5.0 gone down to 3.8 to 5.8 todays. His platelets have gone from 121 to todays low of 65 . His hemoglobin went from 12.4 to 9.7 todays.
On Monday he received Acyclovir, the antibiotic, Vitamin K, and Mesna the drug to protect his kidneys and bladder was given today his last dose at 1pm. The experimental drug Pozaconazole he is still taking. The transplant (now scheduled for Tuesday 2-3 pm) is given in the same way a blood transfusion would be given. Through the I.V. tubing, half frozen. He was told the reactions might be mainly from the preservatives they use to freeze the stem cells when they were harvested in December. The process should take no more than 15-30 minutes for the stem cells to go in to Stefan. Since they are really cold, his body might show up with a fever and some chills till it normalizes the body temperatures again to normal.
It is 3pm Monday Stefan received 40cc of Lasix to remove some of the fluids in his system. His face is back to normal and he has gotten rid of at least 3 quarts of fluid he said. Received 20 cc of Lasix again to complete it.
If I think of anything else, I will repost and add it to this post.