9/17 - Same old, same old... (photo)

Saturday, 9/17.
More of the same. Stefan got up and walked the halls again today. Got up and took a shower. Has an appetite, for junk food, which would explain his 1.2 pound gain in the last day. (Good news, I guess - at least he's eating something!)
Daniella got out today and went to visit the grandkids. She saw Maddie and Stefciu (and Steven and Karen) for a while, then stopped by for pizza with Ela, Julia and Stefciu (and me - Koy was out). Seeing everyone outside of the hospital was good for her. She took pictures so she could share with Stefan.
Speaking of sharing pictures, I thought I'd post this one that Daniella took earlier today.
Yeah, that's him. And he's smiling in the picture.
See what I mean, about him looking "blah"? His oomph is gone. Let's hope it comes back soon.
That's all for today. Like I said, it's mostly "same old, same old."