This morning was blood draw day and he had his dressing changed. Then Stefan had an E.N.T. (Ear Nose Throat) appointment down at the hospital. The doctor scoped his nose and then did more of scab removal in his sinus cavity (Sorry but I did not want to get too graphic here). After the appointment he rested for a while and then went to the shop again. He is feeling good today. I spent the afternoon with my 5 grandkids. I went to a pumpkin farm, Sonny Acres, with Suzia, Karen, and all 5 kids (Columbus Day, no school). Had a great time with them all.
More medication arrived today to make sure we don't run out of the infusion (Ambisone). We get it delivered every 3-4 days. Has to be kept in fridge.
Next week on the 18th Stefan will have another bone biopsy done. Will let you know the results then. Goodnight for today.