Late night visit
We happened to be out downtown last night, and we decided to stop in for a quick visit. Stefan and Daniella were just settling into bed, watching the late night news when we knocked on their door. We stayed for about 40 minutes, chatting and catching up.
And there was catching up to do... Stefan may be going home this coming week - they're taking it day by day. He's still disappointed that he won't be home to watch the big game on his big screen tv, but that's how it goes.
Seems the most noticeable of side effects from the chemo has finally caught up with him... he's losing his hair, in clumps, he said. He still has a little patch on the back of his head, and a few of his stubborn sideburns are still hanging on. But most surprising - because it didn't fall out in September - is his mustache. He told us when he washed his face yesterday, all the hair came off in the towel when he wiped his face dry. So he looks MUCH different now - not just bald, but with no mustache! I think the last time that happened was back in 1970, when he shaved it off for his wedding!!!
Just thought you'd like to take a peek at the "happy couple"! Overall, they're both in good spirits, despite the setbacks and side effects. They're happy, because they know this hard part of the journey is nearing the end.
Have a good weekend!