Appointment on Oct 26, 2010
I will post results of visit with Dr. Olga when we get home.
That's what Stefan says. "It is what it is." This is the story of his journey, as he fights leukemia. This is our story, as we help him, pray for him, support him, and love him. Thank you for being a part of it.
On Tuesday April 6, Stefan will have his lab work done. Meaning his blood drawn and checked out if he needs a bone biopsy. He has been lucky and has not needed a biopsy for some time now.
Stefan's appointment today was a good one. His lab work showed that he did not need to have a bone biopsy done. The next scheduled date of a check-up will be at the begining of March. Till then Dr. Olga said, "Keep up the good work". His platelets are at 129. Normal would be 140 and up. So he is working toward that goal, slowly but surely.
As of today April 9, 2008. I have not heard from THEM to unlock the blogger site.. COME SIT..... Please be patient, I am trying my hardest to do that, since I have so much to share with you all. Take care and stay in touch, by other means. Hey you know the numbers to dial.
Just so you don't start panicking...
Stefans appointment went well. His counts are up to almost were they should be for his health. His WBC is at 7.3, His RBC is at 3.84 and the most important thing that the Dr. is looking at/ for are the Platelets:.... they are up to 129. Now that is a good jump from the low of 102, 103 104 that he has had for the last few check ups. All in all he is doing fine. His next appointment I will schedule for in 6 months. Sometime at the end of August, if the blood work looks fine, then he will NOT have to have another bone biopsy at that August appointment. Will keep you posted as to what he is having done. Take care of YOUR health. It is the most important thing you could do for today.
Stefan's next appointment will be on Feb 19 with his oncologist for a bone biopsy.
The results were OK according to Dr. Olga Frankfurt. She said Stefan's next appointment will be in 3 months. So it is scheduled for end of Feb 2008. Will keep you posted to exact date and procedure done.
Stefan's appointment went pretty well,..well almost.... After the blood work, Doctor Olga started on his bone biopsy procedure. She tried the right side of his hip bone and could not find a spot to "drill into", so she tried again on the left side. This means that he was given and injection to numb the right side of his hip and now a "shot" to numb his left side. Finally she was able to get a spot to go into his left hipbone. The results "looked" okay for now she said. I will get a call on Wed or Thurs with the results from the lab.
Stefan is scheduled for a bone biopsy on Tuesday Nov 6, 2007 at the Hospital. He has to have the blood work done first and then the biopsy in the morning. Will post results when we receive them also.
Stefan's appointment went well for his CT scan of the sinus. He does not have to have another one for a year or more. Unless something else comes up and warrants a a visit to the hospital, he is done with Dr. Ison the Infectious Disease doctor for now. He is doing great, feeling fine. Running around with the family to the sights and places that his wife and grandkids take him, and enjoying himself.
Stefan is scheduled for a CT scan of his sinus again, maybe this IS THE LAST ONE. Dr. Ison will tell us if he has to come again , maybe in a year or so.
Stefan went in for his CT Scan of the sinus area and his Chest x-ray on May 24,Thursday morning, at 6:30am. He left the house at 5:30 am. He then went to work for the day. The doctor said he would call only if there were some other THAN good news to share. Welllllllll he has not called all day , sooooooo that means: No news is good news , right?
Sorry this took a while to post, I happened to be somewhat busy with the grandkids.
Stefan had his bone biopsy done on May 1, 2007. We should get the results in by Friday the latest. The doctor said it looked good, but we still have to wait for the lab results. A new Dr. Stein did the bone biopsy. She is in her 3rd year of the Fellowship under Dr. Olga Frankfurt.
We went in to see Dr. Ison the Infectious Disease doctorat 6:00 am. He had a CT scan and a Chest Xray done . From the results of these two tests, we were told that it looks OK for Stefan to get OFF of the oral drug that he was on for over a year, twice a day. The one that was experimental and then became FDA approved, Posaconazole/ Noxafil. He no longer takes it for now. BUT we have to watch for signs incase......he gets a swelling in his face again like last time, or any itching in the face or sinus area, any redness, etc.
Stefan will have an appointment end of April with Dr.Ison (Infectious Disease) to see if he can drop the Noxafil (Posaconazole). He will have a CT scan of the sinus and nose area done first. If all looks fine they will make a decision and let him know.
I posted the same exact thing on the other website. Just in case you missed this one or that one.
Well we went in for Stefan's check-up. Had the bone biopsy done (they got 2- 1/2 cm. of bone biopsy to work with) and the blood work afterwards. She saw me and figured I had some news to mention about Stefan, because he never says that he is tired or anything like that. But she said the test results will show up if anything is happening inside him. I mentioned to Dr. Olga that Stefan and some family members were planning to go on a ski trip, well she was not too happy about it. But when the bloodwork results came in she was ok with the trip then. His blood work results were like this: his white blood count (WBC) was 7.3, his hemoglobin was at 13.4, and his platelets still low but moving to the 100 hundred mark were at 90. Doctors did tell us that it would take at LEAST a year to re-cover to get past 100 in platelets.
Stefan had an appointment with Dr. Ison, (infectious disease) on Wednesday. He was told that he would like him to have a CT Scan done before taking him OFF of the Posaconozole (now called Noxafil FDA name). Scan will be scheduled for April 25, to see if there are any traces of the MUCOR virus that attacked Stefan in his sinus cavities. If all is clear then he can stop taking THAT drug. If not, then keep on taking it and another CT Scan to be done in a month. So for now he IS still taking the drug twice a day as before. We get it as a prescription drug now , which means that we pay for it.
Yes that drug that Stefan was taking is now FDA approved. Which means that now it is a prescription drug. We have to buy IT, as of the December refill. Our co-pay is not bad, considering the price of this drug $2300.00 per month. Our co-pay is only $50.00. He will stay on this drug for another couple of months. At least until middle of February. Stefan has an appointment to see the infectious disease doctor in January. They have to do an exit survey/interview with him to finish the study that he had signed up for in the begining. He seems to be tolerating this drug, afterall he has been on it for a year.
Stefan had an appointment today at 8:00 am. His results are typically the same as they were last month. Not much change, but Dr. Olga is still okay with the results. She said it DOES take time to get back to normal counts. She keeps saying that it will be a year the least before they do come back to that point. So for now we hope and pray for the counts to GO UP. Next appointment will be with Dr. Ison the Infectious Disease doctor on Dec 13. He will determine if and when Stefan goes off the study drug of Pozaconizole. Next appointment with Dr. Olga Frankfurt the Oncologist will be in January 2007.
Dr. Olga Frankfurt called on Thursday to tell me that the results looked good. Platelet counts are still low. They went up to 87. Still very low, but ok. Waiting slowly and patiently she said. For now next appointment will be on Nov 21, 2006 7am.
Dr. Olga scheduled Stefan to get a bone biopsy on Tuesday October 10, 2006. His platelet count is still not where she thinks they should be, so hence the bone biopsy again. When he returns from his office visit, I will post news on what the Dr. thinks this time after his biopsy.
Stefan's appointment was this morning at 7am. His platelets are still not moving very quickly up to par. So Stefan will be scheduled for a bone biopsy next Tuesday morning on October 10, 2006, at 8:30am. Dr. Olga just wants to be sure there is nothing else wrong with him at this time. Hopefully this time the platelets will be moving up to normal count. Will keep you up to date on his progress. Otherwise see other site. THANKS.
The Leukemia Light the Night Walk is tomorrow, Thursday Sept 28, 2006. Walking starts at 7pm. We plan to be there around 5:30-6pm. Let me know if we should wait for you in the parking lot to walk together.
This note below was from Karen & Steve Maca, Our daughter in Law and son. She got the BALL rolling on this sign up. Please join us for this walk. It is about 30-45 minutes, In Naperville, called the Riverwalk. It is in the evening on Sept 28, 2006 Registration and festivities: 5:30 p.m.Walk: 7:00 p.m. The lit up balloons that EVERYBODY carries is wonderfuland look great at night. Strollers are OK. Hope to see you there.
Stefans' visit with Dr. Olga proved to please her this time. His blood results for platelets finally have crept up a little. He is at 87 now, was at 69 for a long time. Things are starting to move in a good direction. He will still be on Posaconazole, but not for long. His next visit with Dr. Ison the Infectious Disease doctor will be in January 2007. Next visit with Dr. Olga (Oncologist)will be on Sept 26. (hey who's birthday is that?) Till then . Bye Next visit will be on October 3, NOT Sept 26 as posted earlier.
Contact Daniella or Suzia for link to other site. There you will also be able to post YOUR news on family and their activities.
After we return from vacation Aug 12 to 18, with the WHOLE family, will post news on visit.
The bone biopsy results came in again - this time, everything is "fine." The only thing that the doctor said was that his platelets are still "low." They are at 69, normal should be around 140. But that will take up to a year for him to recover. Nothing to worry about, she said. So Stefan continues along with living life and feeling fine.
July 11, 2006, the next bone biopsy will be done in the office again by Dr. Olga Frankfurt. He will have his lab work done at 8:45 and then see Dr. Olga at 9:00 am. We think these bone biopsies will happen again one more time in October and then it will be only every six months to get checked out. Will let you know the results when we get them. For now Thank you again for checking up on Stefan. He has been keeping busy with LIFE. Check other website.
Had the appointment at 7 am. Dr. Olga Frankfurt saw Stefan. Had his bloodwork done. Next appointment and Bone Biopsy will be done in July 11, not Sept/Oct as I said in earlier memo. Dr. said she wants it every 3 months, and last one was done in April of 2006. Then the next one after that will be in Oct. Hopefully his medication of the experimnetal drug will also finish by then. Hoping your summer is going great. Take care of yourselves.
Stefan will be going in for Lab works and to see Dr. Olga Frankfurt. His monthly check-up and lab works. No biopsy of any kind is scheduled till later in the year, like Sept/Oct.
Stefan had his check-up and Lab works done today on Tuesday. All went well, looking good. Next appointment will be in 4 weeks. Dr. Olga said she will see if possible to come in 6-8 weeks instead of this 4 weeks.
Had a wonderful time at THE Birthday Party for us May people. See other website.
I guess the people that have seen Stefan in person or pictures lately also noticed that his skin is darker. His forhead birthmark is more prominent and the skin on his hands is darker. His feet and toes look as if had them tanned. The doctor said this will be that way for a while until ALL the chemo is gone from his body. His beautymarks/ moles are more visible also. Well I just thought you might want to know that about Stefan. The last picture entry of him with the doctor made me notice it more.
Stefan had an appointment with the doctors on Tuesday. His blood work results came in fine. He is doing great, although not as fast as Stefan would like to see recovery. The doctors told him it will take time for his blood results to come back to normal. They are creeping up slowly, very slowly.
Well, Stefan still has to stay on the Posaconazole for another 6 months, according to the doctor's visit that was on Wednesday.
Stefan has an appointment with the Infectious Disease Dr. today. His other Dr. appointment last week went well. He is scheduled to have a bone biopsy done in April near the end of the month. He is feeling good, tired most days, but when he comes home and is greeted by the grandkids his energy level goes up again. The grandkids are over 3-4 days a week to visit and have dinner with us.
Really nothing new here. Stefan went for a check-up and the doctor said "See you in two weeks". That will be March 7, 2006. He is doing great, following all doctors orders and the Wife's. He is working pretty much full time now. Feeling good, a little bit tired as his new stem cells have not completely renewed yet. But they will. So for now YOU take care of yourself and stay healthy.
Not much news today. White Blood count as of today is at 4.2, his hemoglobin is it 11.8, the platelets are at 62, his absolute neutrophils are at 2.3. Today the nurse came in to show Stefan how to use the Inhalation Therapy that he will need to do once a month for the next 3 ? months. It is a 300mg syringe of medication dispensed into a breathing apparatus that he breathes for an hour. He had it in the hospital (it tasted very yucky he said). It should be done in a small confined area and it takes an hour to complete. Then for the next 1- 2 hours any female of child bearing age should not be breathing this mist. So he will be doing it in the bathroom upstairs which is small enough to contain the vapors. Does that mean I can not have any more kids? Oh well, I think(??) I have enough grandkids for now to make me happy, but a few more would not hurt either.
As things return to "normal" around the Maca house, so too does the hectic and crazy schedule, at least when it comes to seeing the wnuczki!
Oh the weather outside is frightful... Stefan says it looks nice outside, yeah... he doesn't have to shovel it though. Great for me because it only snowed maybe an inch. Looked like it was going to snow more than that. Stefan really wanted to try out his new snow blower.
Today Stefan's counts are WBC 2.7 his Platelets are at 38 and the Hemoglobin is at 12.1 Those are rather good Dr. Frankfurt told us. Our appointment with her is on Monday morning. Stefan is still pretty tired eats breakfast, a scrambled egg or two and a piece of rye bread and tea and then off to rest again. Lunch is a chicken sandwich fried with only salt pepper and onions with some mashed potatoes or rice, then you know it is time to rest again. Dinner is pretty much the same any meat as long as it has no seasonings more than salt pepper and onions. His menu is limited because of this new antibiotic, for another 4 weeks and then he could have the lunchmeats and smoked sausages etc. For now all that is a no no no. Till the weekned.
Yes the mighty scary Stefan is baaaack.
Well if I told you Stefan's White Blood Count is at 1.1 and his Hemoglobin is at 10.1and his Platelets are at 16......That means he can go home on Tuesday afternoon. The doctors were here this morning and they are confident that the counts will continue to go up as the days go on. His reaction from this mornings' doctor visits are more smiles on that baby-looking face. Still on antibiotics for today and some more potasium, but that is it for now.
We happened to be out downtown last night, and we decided to stop in for a quick visit. Stefan and Daniella were just settling into bed, watching the late night news when we knocked on their door. We stayed for about 40 minutes, chatting and catching up.
Well the weather is still gray and kind of cloudy here. Stefan is sleeping now at this moment. He is receiving 2 units of blood. His WBC today was at .4, not much movement but it is moving. His Hemoglobin is at 8.9, his platelets are still at 14, kind of low. Hence the blood units. No fever today, but the blood culture they took on Thursday evening showed an infection in his Piccline. Meaning somehow a "bug" bacteria got in during a dressing change. You know they are in the air and everywhere. Cannot see them buggers, they just "land" anywhere and start a colony. Ha ha . Stefan is on antibiotics of Cefepime and Vancomycin. They stopped the Cipro while he is on these meds.
I talked to Stefan this morning. He sounded very tired and down. Instead of going home today, as he'd hoped, he's stuck for at least another 48 hours. Yesterday early evening, they took him for an x-ray and some lab work, to see what sort of infection was causing him to spike a fever (near 101). The preliminary results should be back tonight around 8pm, but the final results won't be back till Saturday 8pm.
Well today I would say that Stefan has really hit bottom. His counts are WBC 0.2, Hemoglobin is OK 10.8, Platelets are at 24. His last walk that he did with umpfff was yesterday late afternoon. In the evening he had his shoes and socks on, but just did not muster enough energy to go for a walk. Today he did not even eat all of his breakfast. He only ate one of the cereal boxes that he orders for the morning. The doctor group that saw him this morning said this is what they expected. Stefan has not been on any walks today and matter of fact he has not gotten out of bed, except to use the bathroom. He says he is really tired today, mouth feels a little sore, but no sores inside. No swelling of feet either, but he says that his whole body "the bones" ache him all over. I tried to give him a little massage to relax him, but he aches too much to do that for him. He ran another little spike in fever this morning up to 100.0. Last night around 10 pm he spiked to 100.4. For now he is still not connected to an IV, unless the blood tests show otherwise that some of chemicals are too low or if he is not drinking enough liquids. He is sleeping more today than any other day since he has been in here this time. Stefan has not even asked for his favorite foods, just telling me to take MY food away from his view and distance the smell, so I eat away from his room. My Prince Charming is sleeping now, weather could be a source of sleepiness also today. It is cloudy outside and gray. Hey ,maybe I should get a little nap myself. Good afternoon to all........3:30pm
I talked to Stefan yesterday late afternoon, after he'd gotten both the platelets and whole blood. He sounded tired, and told me as much. Like he said, he's not on vacation at some resort - he's in the hospital, so it stands to reason that he shouldn't feel in tip top form. He's tired and sluggish some days, but he still gets up and walks the halls for 45min three times a day. Sure, he comes back sometimes winded, but that's par for the course. He's in recovery, and he's very aware of that.
Stefan's wbc dropped to 0.1 yesterday (Mon, Jan 30) but rose back to 0.2 this morning.
Well the White Blood Count is now at an all time low for Stefan, it is at 0.2. He has gotten as low as 0.3, but this time even lower. His hemoglobin is at 8.8 When he hits 8.4 and under he will most likely get blood and platelets, which are now at 21.
The nurse came in this morning and told us that Stefan's white blood count dropped to .6, so he is neutropenic now. That means all incoming people have to wear gloves, gowns, and masks. Stefan has to wear a mask when he goes on walking rounds. And of course, he's on a neutropenic diet - no fresh veggies and limited fresh fruits (no berries and such). He is still in great spirits and has plenty of energy. He's still "disconnected" from Miss Ivy Pole. His appetite is still good and he's eating what he likes. I've brought him kiszka, kopytka, ponczki, kielbasa, barszczyk, rosol, his favorite rye bread, and other Polish yummies. I snapped this picture of him this morning, sitting on the "couch." Behind him is the view to the east, out towards the Lake.
He was premedicated with Benadryl and hydrocortisone and Adiven to prevent and bad reactions. Well a man came in the room with a box of frozen TV dinners, (haha). Ok back to serious stuff he came in with a cooler with some liquid nitrogen (The dry ice that is very cold) and a bag of Stefan's stem cells inside the cooler.
If anyone is reading this, you have until Monday, January 23rd, 2006 to get in touch with me if you want to order Girl Scout Cookies!
Little Stevie (who is now a 'big boy') and I went to visit Stefan on Friday. We stayed for a little over two hours, from 11:30a till 1:50pm. Stefan was in great spirits. For starters, he was getting his final (of sixteen doses) chemo of the week. Second, he had visitors. Third, it was one of his wnuczki!
Today at 11:00 am Stefan received his last dose of step one Chemo Busulfan. Nothing now for 24 hours. Saturday morning he will get an EKG to check out his heart. Then at 1:00pm he will get dose one of the two day Chemo. Only once a day on Saturday and then another EKG Sunday before dose 2 of the Cytoxan,(I did not spell it right last time, it is not oxytoxin). Then 24 hours nothing again and then the Transplant.
Well we got here at 7:20 am. It is now 9:15 am and they just took Stefan to get his Piccline single to be replaced with a double lumen. We were told last night that his room would be 1529. It does not have a view, just looking at another building across the street from here. More info to follow later in day.
That is the date we are looking at for admission to the hospital for Stefan. His Piccline will be replaced at 7am at that time with a double lumen (fluids and stem cells for transplant need to go in faster). Don't know what time we will get a room. As of now we were told to just wait, sorry if it takes till 2-3pm to get us into a room. But yes he will get his round of Chemo started on that day.
Results came in No Leukemic cells found. Good news. They are still going to do (Jan 16) the chemo and transplant for good measure, the tell us. That is the protocol they have gone by and it works for them= (The hospital and doctors).
We went out to celebrate New Years Eve. Had a great time with great company.
Just wanted to wish all a very Happy Healthy New Years 2006.
No News is Good News. Right? Well, not much to report on, other then Stefan spent the holidays at home with family. We had a great time together. To read more about it, go to: Come Sit By The Fire.
Wednesday morning 7:30 am harvesting continued, till the blood results came in from the blood draw this morning. Well Stefan collected 6.7 million stem cells on Tuesday , so they do not need that much more to collect. They only wanted 5 million. So the harvesting stopped. Temorary port was removed and Platelets were added, his count was low. No bleeding from the port site, also was told no heavy lifting for 24 hours. (Well there goes the idea of him carrying me up the stairs) Oh nevermind that would give him a hernia also beside the bleeding in the neck area. Some of the medications were cut out not to be taken anymore for now. Blood draw will continue 2-3 times a week. Finished at the hospital in late afternoon. Flushing of his Picc-line I will continue nightly. Hopefully no pain medication needed for a while, not that he took that much (macho man). The only medication he is continuing is of course the Posaconazole. Twice daily, as he gulps that down quickly, so as to not smell it. Remember the Vanilla smell is very powerful and not a favorite of Stefan's.
Well Tuesday 7am Stefan was at the Blood Center . Had just a little delay, they took blood first then told him he needed Platelets before harvesting was to start. Well they needed to crossmatch him and a Doctor had to see him before giving/ordering the Platelets. Okay got Platelets then started the harvesting, but wait Platelets are down again. So they stopped the harvesting and gave more Platelets again. Restarted harvesting at 1:30pm. Was told he would be connected today till at least 4:30 5:00 pm. I brought him some lunch from cafeteria when I came to get him. I dropped him off this morning and went to work downtown. Harvesting will NOT be done today all of it, Stefan will have to come back again Wednesday 7a.m. in the morning to continue harvesting stem cells. Dr. Ison the Infectious Disease Doctor stopped by and talked to him. Stefan has 5 -I.V. tubes connected to him at this moment for all the fluids going In and coming Out. He is sitting in a recliner chair with headphones on and watching TV. Catnapping in between also. It is now 2:45 pm and two more hours to go here.
Sunday after returning from the church Christmas Pageant to see Ela, Julia & Stevie, Stefan had his blood drawn at Suzia's house. Later that afternoon while attending Ashley's Birthday party (more on that on C.S.B.T.Fire site) Stefan received information that his counts are low and needed to be infused again. SOOOOO to the hospital we took off, but this time, since we had to be at the hospital at 6:45/7:00 am anyways, we were asked to go to Northwestern Memorial downtown. Harvesting will go on as planned for monday morning we were told, unless his counts are really tooooo low to do it. Temporary port goes in at 8:00am then the harvesting after that.
I just talked to Stefan (9:30am).
Blood was drawn this morning; results of the counts came back and they are low. So that means that Stefan has to get Platelets and Blood. We are going to Lutheran General Hospital ER for the transfusion this time. It is around 5pm. Dr. Olga Frankfurt will be paged, and she'll let them know what she wants to be done while he is in the hospital. Stefan doesn't think he will be spending the night BUT you never know, hey might KEEP him like last time - overnight and then some. Will let you know of more results later.
Stefan went home on Friday morning after finishing his last Chemo for this round at 4:00 am. He was home by 9:30 am then went to work for a while that same morning. Saturday the nurse came in to do blood work, then on Sunday he spent the afternoon with part of our grandkids downtown looking at the sights.
Well Stefan had his first round of Chemo on Sunday 12-04-05 afternoon. The second dose was given at 3:00 a.m. This round of Chemo is every other day twice a day. Six doses in all. We were informed that we had a little bit of information mixed up. Stefan will be going home by Friday or Saturday the latest this week after Chemo. While home he will be getting 3 injections shots daily at home to make the stem cells build up faster. Also will be on 3 different types of pills, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Blood draws will be taken every other day. Don't forget that he is still taking that experimental drug Posaconazole 2 doses daily also. He will return to the hospital on the 19th of December (tentative)for harvesting the Stem Cells. This might take one or two days possibly three to collect anywhere from 5-10 million Stem Cells. Stem Cells are forced into the bloodstream from bone marrow by the Chemo & booster shots. They are collected from the blood. He will have a temporary port in the neck area put in to remove the stem cells from his blood. Port will be removed when they are done harvesting. This will be done on an Outpatient basis. He will be tested again in January 5-6, 2006. If counts are normal, port gets put in again and then the Stem Cells transplanting will start, after another round of chemo on January 9th (tentative date) . This should take one week of Chemo then Transplanting and watching him like a hawk for reactions for two weeks. This should be the END of it all, we will see.
Stefan is in room 1517. The Port for the stem cell transplant will be put in on Monday. Snowing has stopped for now, it was flurrying when we came in.
Stefan will be admitted to the hospital on Sunday early morning. Do not know what room he will be in yet. Yes it did say Saturday, I corrected it after Dr. Franfurt called in saying it will be on Sunday morning instead.
The bone biopsy went as planned. Dr. Frankfurt kept asking Stefan during the procedure,"Are you sure you are Okay, no pain?" Well you know Stefan , his tolerance is high and of course he had no pain. Some pressure discomfort during the bone biopsy, but we was okay. He went to work afterwards and then in the evening we had Birthday dinner celebration for Stevie's 3rd at Suzia & Jon's (Koy) house.
Had an Appointment with the ENT on Tues. Everything is Ok for now, no more appt needed. Sinus seems to be clear and free of infections.
Well I finally got to bring Stefan back home today. I even had Stefciu & Maddie with me to pick up Stefan from the hospital. Blood draws are scheduled daily, reports are to be faxed in to Dr. Olga daily also. There is a bone marow biopsy scheduled for Nov 22,2005.
Daniella called me this morning to say that Stefan's wbc was up to 5.5 this morning. That's the good news.
Well, it's Saturday. Over a week since he went in now. And Stefan's release from the hospital is within sight...
Considering that Stafan's battle with Leukemia has touched many, it only would be
Just in case you were interested...